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Car Headlight Repair, Cleaning, Polishing

Have your headlights dimmed or cracked over the years? With foggy headlights, it’s not safe to drive at night, in poor weather, or during the darker days of winter. So be sure to have them fixed right away at your local Maaco auto body shop. Fortunately, restoring headlights is a relatively inexpensive service. That said, it isn’t necessarily something you should risk doing yourself. For instance, restoration often requires careful bulb replacement where the oils from your hand can harm the headlight’s performance. For service you can trust, Maaco is a phone call away.

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Signs your Headlights Need to be Restored

  1. Scratches or small cracks are typically the first sign that your headlights need restoration. Attend to such damage right away because it can spread quickly.
  2. The second sign is dimness: you might have trouble seeing at night or on cloudy, rainy days.
  3. The third is more gradual: nature. UV rays from the sun, wind-blown dirt, and bouncing bits of stone all affect your headlights’ clarity over time. If your car spends enough time outside, you’ll notice its increasingly cloudy headlights. Just like with cracks, you’ll want to restore those headlights as soon as possible.

Your headlights should be well sealed too. Their performance will be compromised if any moisture gets in. Don’t hesitate to restore your headlights if they’re beginning to flicker. It’s only a matter of time before they flick off long enough to become a hazard. If you’re thinking of maximizing the value of your ride before reselling, headlight restoration is a great place to start.

Why it’s Important to Restore Foggy Headlights

Fogginess has a dulling effect on the brightness of your headlights which compromises your safety. When your headlights are foggy, you can’t see as far at night or in poor weather. According to the National Security Council, 50% of traffic deaths happen at night, even though we only do a quarter of our driving then. Make restoring your foggy headlights a priority by visiting your local Maaco auto body shop. Our experts know how to properly clean your headlights and restore them to factory standard.

Headlight Replacement or Restoration?

Replacement means you’re getting new headlights. Restoration means you’re keeping the old ones but making them look and function like new. Restoration work is usually less expensive — especially if you drive a luxury vehicle. And that all adds up, whether you’re considering restoring a single set of headlights or an entire fleet’s industrial services.

How Much is Headlight Restoration?

The type of vehicle you drive, its age, and the level of wear on the headlights all influence how much your headlight restoration will cost. Even if only one headlight is dimming, our experts recommend restoring both. The effect will be equal brightness and better safety overall.

Schedule your Headlight Restoration with Maaco!

Put your safety first, and schedule your headlight replacement or restoration at your local Maaco shop. With Maaco’s Best Price Guarantee, you’ll be confident that you got the best deal on your headlight restoration.



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