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Body shop employee marking dents on the front fender of a damaged vehicle.


Repair Rocker Panel, Doors, Quarter Panels

Maaco offers professional, affordable, quality cosmetic auto repairs to rocker panels, door panels and quarter panels. Car panel repairs don’t just make your vehicle look new again. They ensure its overall integrity and safety, promoting longer life, and often preventing costlier repairs down the road. It’s just a sweet bonus that these touch-ups can leave your car as beautiful as the day it came off the assembly line. You can get always get an estimate for any of our vehicle services!

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Back and front bumpers are designed to take thumps and bumps, all while keeping you and your passengers safe. Sometimes these bumps come with a scratch, nick or crack, all of which can be mended. Other times the whole bumper needs to be replaced. Either way, Maaco is here for repairs large and small, and can ensure your vehicle is both protected and beautiful again.

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Front Panel

Sometimes called the header, your vehicle’s front panel typically houses the headlights and grill. Depending on what you drive, it can be made from metal, plastic or fiberglass. Damage to the front panel is almost never a mere cosmetic issue, but a matter of integrity and safety. So it’s always best to have it repaired right away.

Rocker Panel

Vital to the overall strength of your vehicle, the rocker panel is the long piece of steel that rests beneath your doors and between the front and rear wheel wells. That low placement means your rocker panels are vulnerable to rust. Just think of all the dirt, rocks, and rain that are constantly thrown against them. Or, think how beautiful a damaged one could be with the help of a Maaco professional.

Quarter Panels

Quarter panels sit above the front and rear wheel wells. Depending on what you drive, yours may be made from sheet metal, fiberglass, or even plastic. Quarter panels are usually welded to the body of your vehicle, not bolted. Detaching them is specialized and time-consuming work, which is why repairing a damaged quarter panel is usually preferred to replacement.


A dent or scratch on a vehicle door is ugly but may also be hiding deeper problems underneath. It’s best not to hesitate when it comes to your truck or car door repair. Especially if you hear any strange noises or notice any imbalance when you open and shut it.


Minor damage from rust is easy to ignore, but really should be fixed immediately. Why? The longer you wait, the more you’ll have to pay later. Rust damage weakens the overall integrity of your vehicle, possibly threatening your safety in traffic. If untreated, rust eventually leads to irreparable damage.

Hail Damage Repair

Those heavy summer hailstorms seem to come out of nowhere. You turn around and suddenly your vehicle looks like a fastball pitcher’s been using it for target practice. But repairing damage from hail isn’t just a matter of looks. Ignoring that damage could lead to worse problems down the road.

Natural Damage

Leave anything outside long enough and it’ll show. The sun’s UV rays can damage your vehicle’s paint job. Heavy winds could cause a branch from a neighbor’s tree to fall and shatter your windshield or dent your car roof. Salt in the air accelerates the natural rusting process. Be sure to repair any damage ASAP.



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If you have minor dings or dents on your car, paintless dent repair (PDR) may be a great affordable option to consider for repairs. This method uses special tools that pull the dents out of the surface of the vehicle without damaging the overall paint. Paintless dent repair is available at participating locations only. Please contact your local store for more details.



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Driving at night or in poor weather can be dangerous with dim or cracked headlights. Learn more about how your local Maaco can restore your headlights to keep you safe and on the road.



No one likes surprises during their lease-turn in. Stop by one of our local Maaco shops and let us help you maximize the value of your leased vehicle with easy and affordable repairs.



Our Maaco Certified Centers are the "best of the best." These Centers are distinguished for their quality of work in both auto painting and body repairs. Certified Centers have to pass a rigorous certification process annually that is a comprehensive review of their business and repair services.


This third-party accreditation means that there are SGI Elite Accredited journeymen available and authorized at this location to provide appraisal estimating with top-level SGI approval authority.


I-CAR Gold Class Certification is an independent third-party certification process that is quite literally the gold standard for collision repair. I-CAR Gold Centers are extensively trained in the latest tools and technologies of the trade.


Maaco offers a lifetime warranty on all structural repairs. This means that all materials Maaco uses in the repair of structural panels are warrantied for as long as you own the vehicle.


Can't be without a car? Contact your local Maaco center about our rental car assistance program. We will help you with your rental while your car is being worked on.

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